An Invitation to Christ-Centered Wellness

Join us for a day of retreat

January 14, 2023 | 9 am-3:30 pm

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Encinitas, CA


Led by Reform Wellness

Jackie Mulligan

Jackie is the foundress of Reform and a holistic nutritionist, wellness practitioner, and experienced educator. After years of tireless striving, stress, and compromised health because of her lifestyle, Jackie found her identity, healing, and wholeness in God. Now she’s devoted to helping others find the same through her online class and consultation practice.

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Dr. Bridget Vander Woude

Dr. Bridget Vander Woude is a naturopathic doctor who graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. She was trained in an integrative primary care setting with a focus on the management of pediatric and women’s health concerns. Bridget was drawn to natural medicine by her desire to honor the glory of God’s creation and the wonder of the human body.

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We invite you to experience a taste of Reform and explore the nine wellness pillars for whole-person wellness, body, and soul. Jackie and Dr. Bridget will introduce Reform’s best practices and the essentials for placing Christ at the center of all aspects of your well-being.

Join us to learn how to build a solid foundation in Christ as we merge faith and functional health through Reform’s nine wellness pillars. Using Christ-centered, holistic wellness, we have the opportunity to honor God’s design and return to the freedom that is given to us at our creation.

Reform is a way of life. We believe we were made for the freedom that comes with a daily rhythm of life: simplicity, consistency, and intentionality in Christ become tools in serving our vocations. Join us in nourishing and glorifying your whole person.

The brokenness of our humanity is never an obstacle for Christ; instead, it is an opportunity for restoration and reformation. When we empty ourselves of all that holds us back from seeking deeper relationship and healing, we create space for the Divine Healer to fill us with life in abundance.

We invite you to join us for a one-day retreat to encounter the Divine Physician through the sacraments. All are welcome!

Reclaim your whole-person identity in Christ

+ Assess the current state of your body and soul

+ Shift from self-reliance to reliance on Christ

+ Resources, tools, and best practices for holistic healing

+ Build a daily formation to support your well-being

+ Allow the Divine Physician to heal you from the inside out

Ticket Pricing

*Includes Reform resources and light refreshments

Regular Pricing
(Nov 1– December 31)

$70 per person

*Pending availability


8 am | Holy Mass

8:30 am | Registration

9 am | An Invitation to Christ-Centered Wellness

11 am | Adoration

12 pm | Lunch (BYO)

1 pm | Best Practices for a Reform Way of Life

3 pm | Q & A + Fellowship

*The sacrament of Reconciliation will be available throughout the day.

Reform products will be available for purchase.

To reform. Every day a little. This has to be your constant task if you really want to become a saint.”

—St. Josemaría Escrivá