A Conversation with Cardinal Dolan

I had the privilege of joining His Eminence Cardinal Dolan on his TV and radio show “Conversations with Cardinal Dolan.” After weeks of trying to find a common open date, God brought us together during this time of unprecedented circumstances. We spoke about how to boost the immunity of your body, mind and soul which we need now more than ever. 

As we collectively distance ourselves from our routines, friends and coworkers, we encourage you to surrender in hope. Our societal withdrawal and sacrifice mirrors our journey through Lent and we are confident this suffering will bring forth new life as spring draws near.  

We invite you to join us in the desert, adjust to a new way of living, and find peace in God. Here we share best resources to boost the immunity of your body, mind and soul.


Reform Your Body & Soul: Jackie on DeSales Media


Reform Your Holidays