Fully Alive

Our highest-tier membership: an opportunity to go deeper into Christ-centered living

*If you already have a membership with us, please cancel your current membership before registering for Fully Alive.

*If you are a current Dig to the Roots student, please contact hello@reformwellness.co in order to register.


Centered on Him

You have set a solid foundation in Christ, dug to the root cause of your physical and spiritual dis-ease, replaced defeating thoughts with redemptive ones, overcome stress, embraced God's peace, and traded unhealthy habits for new life-giving practices. You’re living out a formation and have increased your capacity for giving and receiving. 

Now, let’s discover the unique balance between active and contemplative living.

The Fully Alive membership is exclusive to graduates of Reform Online and Dig to the Roots. We have found that this membership provides our Reformers with the deeper healing they desire after setting a firm foundation in Christ through these courses.

This membership is for those who are seeking deeper communion with Jesus, the Reform team, and the Reform community and those who desire to take their physical and spiritual healing to new heights.

*If you already have a membership with us, please cancel your current membership before registering for Fully Alive.

*If you are a current Dig to the Roots student, please contact hello@reformwellness.co in order to register.

Formation for your exterior and interior life:

  • Learn to use Reform’s nine pillars to live, work, and pray fully alive.

  • Maintain strong habits and receive accountability for physical healing.

Grow in communion and community: 

  • Learn how to grow in deeper intimacy with Jesus and those He has entrusted to you.

  • Grow in wholeness and holiness with a group of like-minded people.

Define your duty in your God-given vocations:

  • Leave “busy” behind by finding balance between the contemplative and the active.

  • Receive the generous support of the Reform team, our chaplain Fr. Innocent, and other religious, spiritual leaders and laity.

Receive exclusive benefits and opportunities:

  • Access all Reform courses and workshops throughout the year for free.

  • Participate in quarterly group consultations.

  • Receive discounts on retreats.

Be Poured Into Throughout the Year

Our next quarterly call is September 10 at 10 am ET.


Live Fully Alive

Cost: $1,499

*If you already have a membership with us, please cancel your current membership before registering for Fully Alive.

“The glory of God is a human being fully alive!”
—Attr St. Irenaeus