Claiming Belovedness
A Benedictine Monk I know said,
“Holiness is health, and health is holiness.”
Physically and spiritually depleted and exhausted from two decades of uprooting and resettling our family, I found Reform. Centered in Jesus, with the help of Mary, I experienced rebirth.
Reform became my owner’s manual; through slow, consistent, and obedient steps things changed, and I changed.
The pillar of faith radically changed my prayer life. Morning prayer is now very different; it’s a surrender to His wooing and pursuing me and serves as a springboard for the rest of the day. For the first time I learned how to make choices for my body as a way to be kind to Jesus in my soul. In receiving Jesus daily, “It’s no longer I that live, but Christ in me” (Gal 2:20).
Giving Jesus space and permission to love, fill, and direct me was scary at first. What was He going to ask of me? But learning to rest in Him and to trust Him – to pray better – to be in Communion with Him first and foremost is the answer. I let God be God.
Through Reform, I learned to eat better so I’m properly nourished; to sleep better to be properly rested; to say ‘yes’ only to the things that I’m called to do. All of this created space for more play, movement, peace, and joy!
By following Reform’s best practices, I was able to shed “the last 5 pounds” without trying. I stopped eating junk and cared for my body by getting whole foods, sleep, and exercise, which made my energy skyrocket. I am now able to get through the day without the afternoon slump and can discern my body’s cues for real hunger, rest, and movement.
Dig to the Roots was challenging—the supplements and giving up gluten and dairy most of all. Jackie asked me to give Jesus half of everything: my plate, my closet, my life. This required surrender; the shift from being self-centered to Christ-centered is a journey. I was tired but obedient to resting, to heal my gut, my soul. Now I can say, “Thank God for good digestion!” Dig to the Roots helped me to heal a major trust wound. Reform has taught me to see my identity as firmly rooted in Jesus; to see myself through His loving gaze and each morning to claim that I am beloved.
The Community of Reform gives me so much hope. My husband is also a Reformer and is digging to the roots. Being on the same page and path to wholeness and holiness makes ongoing reform easier. There’s built-in accountability, support, and unity— not only in my marriage but in the wider Reform community. I am encouraged by others’ success and learn from the struggles that people share. Reform teaches me this each day: Christ first, and then living intentionally and simply. I have learned to discern where He wants me and how to serve Him there – this gives me more space and less stress!
There’s more joy and peace in our home, in serving, loving and being. Through the nine wellness pillars and openness to the Holy Spirit, my ministry as a spiritual director and intercessor is flourishing, as I am no longer pouring from an empty cup. I have more energy to do what God wants—what He is calling me and equipping me to do, all by His grace and for His glory! I am so much better than before. I have learned the truth of God’s love for me and my need to rely on Him, to forgive myself, and accept his mercy. Reform is such a blessing to me and my family. I feel Fully Alive, and I am grateful.
— Eileen Keller