Reform Dry Brush


Create space in your body through detoxification with our Reform Engraved Dry Brush. Dry brushing exfoliates dead skin, stimulates the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body, reduces cellulite, and more.

How to dry brush:

We recommend dry brushing before showering. Start at your feet and begin brushing in sweeping, circular motions towards your heart. Brush over each section multiple times and overlap your brush strokes so you don’t miss a spot. Then, move towards your stomach, using clockwise motions. Finally, brush your upper body. After your shower, apply body oil or lotion.


  • 3 x 8 x 1.5 in size.

  • Wooden handle with cactus fiber bristles

  • Engraved with the Reform Logo and “Body. Mind. Soul.”

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