From Depletion to Dignity

“Working on oneself or healing oneself can be overwhelming and scary. It can be hard and painful to look at the holes which drain our life from us. Reform Wellness takes someone who has holes and helps them to become whole and holy.”


Before starting Reform, I was consumed with the desire to change my body—even my entire personality—as a means of exercising control at a time when I had none.  My dad had died, and I was reeling with grief. I was at an all time low. I felt depleted and lost in every way.

To help with her own healing, my mom took both of Reform’s online courses. While she was in the process of implementing their nine wellness pillars, she gave me Reforms  litanies, which I taped to my door and prayed everyday. My daily practice of healing began with prayer written by Reform and through my mom’s example. 

I like to describe my time with Reform Wellness as an abundant life source, pouring in all its graces and filling my empty tank in soul and body. 

With the help of Reform, I have literally come back to life and allowed Jesus to mold me into who He created me to be. I have more energy, peace, purpose and strength than I ever have before.

Reform taught me to be consistent. The most significant change I made was creating a personal connection to a healthy routine, one that helped me build good habits and positive changes for the long term. The nine wellness pillars are essential for consistently committing to healing and wholeness.  

Beyond developing a Christ-centered lifestyle, I connected with my dignity. I learned that “I am Avila of Jesus” and Jesus is “Jesus of Avila.” The first time I heard this truth, something clicked. It was comforting but also gave me  strength. I am Jesus’ and Jesus is mine. 

Before beginning my Reform journey my view of health and wellness was distorted, because it was shaped by the world, my peers, and what content I was consuming. I believed in order to be happy and feel my best, I had to act a certain way, look a certain way, or perform according to the world’s standards. 

Through Reform, I learned that rest is not “unproductive” but healing. I learned that food is not to be “earned” but deserved. I learned that play is not “wasting time” but an essential part of childlike joy. I learned that moving my body is not “punishment” but self-care. I learned that being in community is not for validation but for bringing life to others.

The Bible says “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Cor. 6: 19-20). 

Working on oneself or healing oneself can be overwhelming and scary. It can be hard and painful to look at the holes which drain our life from us. Reform Wellness takes someone who has holes and helps them to become whole and holy. I’m so grateful God called Jackie to start Reform. I’m so grateful He put Reform Wellness in my life. 

When I started Reform, I was scared. When I finished, I was at peace. 

It’s not right to say that Reform changed my life. Reform saved my life. Saying thank you a thousand times wouldn't be enough, so I’ll give thanks by standing tall in Christ and living the life for which I was made. 

-Ávila Mauss of Jesus

Read testimonial from Avila’s mom


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